The development, feeding, and care of the 18-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 18-month-old baby

18-month-old baby
The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 18 months old
Babies of 18 months can now climb stairs with help and name objects. At 18 months, babies should be vaccinated. You can find all the information about 18-month-old babies here.

18-month baby development
In addition to climbing stairs with help and starting to run, the child is able to jump with both feet and kick a ball. Make spontaneous scribbles. Pass sheets of a book, two or three at a time.

Fulfill simple orders. Listen to a story, looking at the drawings and naming objects. You can tell when the diaper is wet. Gives kisses and hugs.

Feeding at eighteen months
During meals, it is recommended to sit the child at the table in a chair suitable for his weight and age and speak to him so that he feels integrated. At eighteen months, drink well in a glass and eat with a spoon. The use of the bottle must be phased out, as it can cause problems of the bad dental position.

Care for 18-month-old babies
According to the vaccination schedule, either at fifteen or at eighteen months, the following vaccines are administered: the fourth dose of Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, Poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae type b. You must also receive the third dose of Meningococcus C and the fourth dose of pneumococcus if you have not done so before. The Flu and Hepatitis A vaccines are usually given when the child belongs to one of the risk groups.
With regard to dental hygiene, you can teach the child to use a soft toothbrush, without toothpaste. It is also interesting to encourage him to leave the pacifier.

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