The development, feeding, and care of the 3-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 3-month-old baby

3-month-old baby
The development, feeding, and care of the baby in its third month of life
Everything you need to know about the care of 3-month-old babies: their feeding, growth, development, hygiene and much more information about the needs of babies in their third month of life.

3-month baby development
At three months, the child looks for the sound with his eyes and maintains eye contact. Holding him in his arms, he holds his head for a little while. It is also able to easily rotate the head to follow a moving object.

He looks curiously at his hands and likes to play with them. When you talk to him, move your arms and legs and babble.

3-month feeding
With regard to nutrition, remember that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding until six months of life. If the baby receives artificial feeding, at each health check visit, the pediatrician will indicate the amount of formula to be administered at each take.

Therefore, it is not yet time to introduce complementary feeding. As for the frequency of the shots, it is possible for the baby to sleep through the night and not demand breastfeeding during the same.

3 month of baby care
In the health center, the pediatrician and the nurse will indicate the periodicity of the health control visits. In each of them, in addition to performing the relevant physical examination, the health staff will answer questions related to the care of the child.

For baby hygiene, you can follow the same advice as in the second month of life. It is convenient to establish a series of routines such as daily bath, daily walk, place you in the crib to sleep, place the crib in your own room
It is also essential to take care of the emotional plane: express your love with hugs and caresses, call him by his name, speak to him and sing with delicacy, play with him

For accident prevention remember:
  • Never leave the child alone outside the crib.
  • Use an approved device for the car and place it in a seat with the airbag deactivated.
  • Do not put chains or bracelets that could harm you.
  • Do not offer toys with small parts that can be brought to your mouth or with sharp edges that can injure you.

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