The development, feeding, and care of the 4-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 4-month-old baby

4-month-old baby

The development, feeding, and care of the 4-month-old baby
Here you can find complete information about the feeding, care, and development of 4-month-old babies. How is its development at 4 months of life? How should it be fed? What care does a 4-month-old baby require?

Four-month baby development
With four months, face down, the baby rises leaning on the hands and raises his head to 90 degrees. Keeps legs extended. Face up, extend your arms to pick up an object and take it to your mouth. He plays with the rattle and waves it, but he can't take it if he throws it away.

He makes “Pedrera” and “garlic”, laughs out loud, shouts and emits monosyllables like pa or be. Turn your head to the sound and immediately look at moving objects.

4-month baby feeding
Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding until six months of age. Therefore, it is not advisable to introduce complementary foods before that age.

Sometimes, the introduction of some complementary feeding between four and six months may be useful to avoid the administration of artificial formula in those cases in which the mother joins the work and the amount of milk needed to cover cannot be extracted The requirements of the child.

When the baby receives artificial feeding, the recommendations on the introduction of complementary foods are the same.

4-month care
Following the indications of the vaccination schedule, at four months, the child receives the following vaccines: Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough, Poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and Pneumococcus. The corresponding dose of Meningococcus C can be administered at four or six months. Also, if the baby received the first dose of Rotavirus at two months, the second dose should be administered.

At each health check visit, the pediatrician or nurse will record the child's weight, height, and head circumference, assessing whether the growth curve follows a normal course.
From now on, the baby's dream begins to regulate. Little by little you will learn to distinguish between day and night, so you will stay longer awake during the day and sleep more at night. Remember:
Lying the child on his back, as this position helps prevent the sudden death of the infant. You can also lay him on his side.
It can be a good time to move the baby to his own room. Thus, the establishment of sleep-related routines is favored.
The baby's crib must be approved:
The bars will be at a distance of less than 7 cm between them so that the child cannot introduce the head.
The mattress will be well adjusted to the bed base, leaving no gaps in the sides, headboard or feet.
The cradle will be solid and stable, with a height equal to or greater than 60 cm from the base of the mattress to the top of the bars, in order to avoid falls.
The protector that is placed around the cradle to prevent blows will be well secured so that the baby can not introduce the hand or another part of the body and is hooked.
It is not necessary to use a pillow.
Avoid harboring the child too much, so that he can move freely.

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