Calculate if your children take the recommended nutrients - BestBabyCaretips


Monday, January 27, 2020

Calculate if your children take the recommended nutrients

Calculate if your children take the recommended nutrients

How to know if you are taking the recommended amount of Omega 3 DHA and Iron
Do you want to know if your little one takes iron and the Omega 3 DHA recommended by child nutrition specialists? We present you with an infallible trick! With this calculator, you can know in 2 minutes if iron and Omega 3 DHA, fundamental nutrients that are involved in the child's brain and cognitive development, are sufficiently present in your daily diet.

The importance of iron and Omega 3 DHA in infant feeding
Know if you take iron and Omega 3 DHA recommended in 2 minutes
The importance of iron and Omega 3 DHA in infant feeding
leva and importance of iron and omega 3

The current lifestyle makes haste and stress accompany us 24 hours a day. We have less time to be with our children, to go shopping at the market and/or the supermarket, to cook homemade dishes as our mothers and grandmothers did ... This sometimes makes the menus we prepare a bit repetitive and not entirely complete to your needs and circumstances. This fact can cause, on the one hand, that we do not want to expose our child to new food groups and, on the other hand, that in his daily intake there is a deficit of some nutrients such as Omega 3 DHA and iron. Why are they so important to children?

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, that is, that the human body cannot manufacture in the amount we need (we have to resort to foods that contain it). The most relevant type of omega 3 in children is DHA, which is involved in brain development. However, Spanish children consume less than 50% of the recommended daily amount. A figure that could be affected after the recent positioning of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition on the limitations of fish consumption in children under 10 years and pregnant, which recommends avoiding the consumption of large bluefish such as swordfish/emperor, bluefin tuna or dogfish, among others.

Iron, on the other hand, plays a fundamental role in cognitive development, but in Spain, 2 out of every 3 children do not reach the recommended daily intake. The lack of this nutrient is manifested in children in chronic fatigue and apathy that can lead to anemia, that is, is a condition in which the body lacks enough red blood cells. If not treated in time, anemia can affect the child's development considerably.

Know if you take iron and Omega 3 DHA recommended in 2 minutes
Knowing if a child sleeps the hours he needs or if his weight and height ratio is adequate is relatively easy. However, knowing if you are receiving the iron and DHA contributions recommended for proper development is not that simple. Therefore, the Puleva Institute of Nutrition has developed an online calculator in order to make it easier for fathers and mothers to know if their child's daily diet incorporates the recommended daily amount of iron and DHA that they need during the growth stage.

Baby Nutrient Calculator

There are many nutrients that we must ensure in the diet of children: Omega 3 DHA, iron, calcium, vitamin D, proteins ... How can we do it so that none is missing? The key is in the feeding pattern, which must be complete, balanced and varied, incorporating all food groups in sufficient quantity and frequency on a daily basis.

It happens that milk remains a food with a lot of specific weight in the feeding of young children. Hence, it is an excellent vehicle to provide essential nutrients that, according to different nutritional studies in children, it is known that their intake is deficient. Hence the opportunity of growing milks, such as Puleva Peques or Puleva Max, which provide an extra iron, calcium and omega 3 DHA, among other nutrients, facilitating compliance with the recommendations of the health authorities. A small gesture, such as changing a classic glass of milk for a glass of growing milk, can make a big difference. Do you want to check it with the calculator?

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