The development, feeding, and care of the 10-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 10-month-old baby

10-month baby
The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 10 months old
Here you will find information on the development, feeding, health, and care of 10-month-old babies.

10-month baby development
At ten months, the baby sits alone and sits indefinitely without support with a straight back. You may start standing alone. Walk leaning on furniture.

He has a great interest in toys. He likes to throw objects on the floor to hear how they sound when they fall. Look for fallen and hidden toys.

10-month feeding
The introduction of fish and egg yolk can take place in the ninth or tenth month. Remember the importance of introducing each new food separately, leaving an interval of 3-4 days between them in order to detect possible allergic reactions.

Avoid forcing the child to eat: it is not convenient to associate food with bad faces, nervousness

Care for the 10-month baby
In successive health control visits, health professionals will assess whether the growth and development of the baby take place normally.

If the child has a health problem, do not hesitate to consult with the pediatrician or the nurse.

Keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • Try to maintain regularity in the baby's routines: meals, bath, sleep ...
  • Bathe him daily. Change diaper frequently to avoid irritation.
  • Regarding the dress, avoid overcoating. Ensure that the footwear does not fit small.
  • Take him to the crib still awake, so he gets used to falling asleep alone.
  • Never leave him alone, except in the crib. At this age, they are able to move around and pick up potentially dangerous objects (cleaning products, medicines, small parts, plastic bags, cords ...).
  • In the car, always use an approved safety device according to its age and weight.

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