The development, feeding, and care of the 11-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 11-month-old baby

11-month-old baby
The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 11 months old
Want to know everything about 11-month-old babies? Here you will find interesting information about the care, development, and feeding of 11-month-old babies.

11-month baby development
At eleven months, the baby crawls to move and walks on the furniture or holding both hands. Each time he acquires more skills with his hands, such as putting objects in a box, taking the spoon by the handle or clapping.

Understand more words than you can say. Therefore, he answers simple questions (for example, where is mom?) Through signs.

The food at 11 months
Following the recommendations of the pediatrician, the child will have incorporated various foods into his diet (cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs ...).

If at first, it was convenient to offer the baby food in the form of porridge, from now on it is advised to give them without crushing, in order to become familiar with its texture.

With eleven months, the child is usually able to bite the food with his teeth, move it in his mouth and ingest it without choking.

11-month of baby care
About to complete the first year of life, your child experiences a continuous process of physical and intellectual development.
To stimulate the acquisition of psychomotor and communication skills, it can be useful:

Leave objects of different sizes, shapes, and colors within your reach so you can explore them.
Read books and indicate the different body parts in order to know the meaning of the words.
Ask him to go to a toy and bring it or to introduce some objects into others to favor motor development.
Sit at the table at lunchtime to familiarize yourself with cutlery, food ...

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