The development, feeding, and care of the 12-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 12-month-old baby

12-month baby
The development, feeding, and care of the 12-month-old baby
All information about the development and growth of the 12-month-old baby: his care, health, and evolution. Your baby has just turned one year old and from this moment you will notice numerous changes in it. He will start walking on his own, his language will become richer with the acquisition of new words and he will gain autonomy thanks to his advances in fine motor skills.
With one year, the child stands alone, is holding one hand and can even take a few steps alone, his first steps. Stop putting objects in your mouth and like to throw them on the floor. It makes the index-thumb clamp precisely and points with the index finger.

Besides dad and mom, he knows the meaning of more words. You can give a kiss when asked.

One-year-old baby feeding
After twelve months, you can enter the egg white. Therefore, the child can now take the whole egg. The intake of 2 or 3 eggs per week is recommended. It is a food rich in proteins, fats, and vitamins.

When breastfeeding is maintained, adequate milk supply is guaranteed with 3 or 4 shots per day. And if the baby receives a continuation formula, it should take about half a liter daily.

Dairy products (natural yogurt or fresh cheese) can also be part of the diet. It can even be given cow's milk although, due to its high protein and mineral salts content, it is digested worse than infant milk.

Twelve-month of baby care
According to the vaccination schedule, at twelve months the following vaccines will be administered: the third dose of Meningococcus C, the fourth dose of pneumococcus and the first dose of triple viral (measles, rubella, and mumps). It is also recommended to administer the first dose of Chickenpox. And if the child belongs to some risk group, it may be convenient to include the Flu and Hepatitis A vaccines.
At the end of the first year of life, a health check visit is usually recommended. In it, the pediatrician:

Record the weight, height and head circumference to assess whether the child's growth curve is satisfactory.
It will explore the head. The fontanelles are existing separations between the bones of the skull. In the normal newborn, two are felt, one anterior and one posterior. The later one closes during the first months of life and the previous one does not do it until the twelve-eighteen months.
Perform a complete physical exam.
You will value vision and hearing.

He will ask about the child's appetite, sleep, and behavior.
He will be interested in aspects such as adapting the baby to the nursery or the attitude to the presence of strangers.
It will also record the health problems that have arisen since the last health check.

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