The development, feeding, and care of the 13-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 13-month-old baby

The 13-month-old baby
The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 13 months old
Interesting and complete information on the development, care, and feeding of babies of 13 months.

13-month baby development
After the first year of life, the child walks hand in hand and gets up independently. Each time he is able to take more steps alone.

Give the toy to another person when asked. Eat alone and drink from a glass. Run your arms through the sleeves with help.

In addition to dad and mom, he introduces new words to his vocabulary. Know the meaning of more words.

The food at thirteen months
It is advisable to teach the child to chew, offering less crushed foods. To avoid choking, avoid giving too large pieces.

It is also advisable to allow you to explore food, as well as invite you to use the spoon and drink in a glass.

Care for the 13-month-old baby

When the child begins to walk, it is essential to take precautionary measures to prevent accidents:
  • Do not leave him alone in the bathtub, or near stairs or windows.
  • Use safety devices on stairs and windows to prevent falls.
  • Do not leave chairs at hand with which you could climb to high places.
  • Protect electrical cables and plugs.
  • Never leave him alone at home. Nor leave a minute unattended near pools, wells ... ...
  • Put medicines, cleaning products, alcoholic beverages, and plastic bags out of reach.
  • In the car, always use an approved safety device suitable for your age and weight.

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