The development, feeding, and care of the 6-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 6-month-old baby

6-month-old baby
The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 6 months old
All the information about the development and growth of 6-month-old babies: what changes do you experience, what type of feeding you should take, your health and much more.
At six months, face down, the baby can get up on the hands and turn around. Face up you take your feet. He is also able to sit with support.

Raise your hand to go for the objects. Take the toys and pass them from one hand to another. He chatters when spoken to and locates the origin of the sounds. You may show some fear of strangers.

6-month feeding
Currently, it is recommended to introduce complementary feeding after six months of age. The different foods can be introduced little by little, leaving an interval of 3-4 days between new foods to be able to detect possible allergic reactions.

The pattern of the introduction of each food is not fixed, but is subject to variations, depending on both the criteria and the experience of the pediatrician and the pace of growth and development of the baby.

Cereals. They are usually introduced first. They are added to the milk and can be given in a bottle or in porridge. It begins with gluten-free cereals (rice and corn) and subsequently, cereals with gluten (oats, barley, rye, and wheat) are introduced.

Fruits. They are a rich source of vitamins. The first fruits that are introduced are usually apple, banana, and pear. It is advised not to give strawberries or peaches before the year since they are more at risk of developing allergies.

Vegetables and vegetables. The pediatrician will determine the ideal time to introduce such foods. To make them, you can add a dash of olive oil to the mash, but it is not recommended to the season with salt. The introduction of spinach, cabbage, cabbage, beet, celery, and turnips should be delayed until the ninth month.
Care for the 6-month baby
According to the vaccination schedule, the baby should receive the following vaccines at six months of age: Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, Poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and Pneumococcus. The second dose of Meningococcus C will be given if it was not done at four months. The third dose of Rotavirus will also be administered if the commercial preparation consists of three doses and the child have already received the first two. Likewise, it may be convenient for the baby to receive the Flu vaccine if it belongs to any of the risk groups.
In the consultation, the pediatrician or nurse will record the anthropometric measurements of the child (weight, height, and head circumference) and perform a complete exploration (emphasizing hips, eyes, and ears) in order to assess growth and development.

With respect to the development of teething, after the first six months, the eruption of the first temporary teeth takes place, which is usually the central incisors.

When the teeth start to appear, the gums can become inflamed and cause discomfort. The baby drools more and tends to put everything in his mouth. To relieve symptoms may be useful:

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