The development, feeding, and care of the 7-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 7-month-old baby

7-month-old baby
The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 7 months old
Here you can find all the information about 7-month-old babies: what they are able to do, how they develop and grow, what they have to eat and everything related to their care.
With seven months, face down, the child turns and rolls on himself. Face up, raise your head. He is able to sit briefly and lean forward on his hands.

Reach and hold large objects, and transfer them from one hand to another. He is attracted to colors and shapes, carefully examines toys and manipulates them with increasing skill. He babbles and repeats syllables like ma, da or ba. He doesn't like to be left with strangers.

7-month feeding
Between the sixth and seventh month of life, it is recommended to introduce the following foods: cereals, fruits, vegetables, and meat. To the mashed vegetables and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, green beans, zucchini, leek ...) chicken, beef or other non-fatty meats are added.

Avoid giving pork, offal and serrano ham at the moment. You can add a teaspoon of olive oil, but it is not recommended to the season with salt. Remember that the introduction of each new food must be done separately, leaving at least 3-4 days between them.

While complementary feeding is introduced, it is beneficial to continue with frequent feeding and breastfeeding, as long as the mother and the baby so desire.

Care for the 7-month baby
At the corresponding health control visit, the pediatrician or nurse will record the anthropometric measures and perform a complete examination as on previous occasions.

It will also guide you about food, hygiene, sleep, accident prevention ... and solve all your doubts. Try to maintain regularity in the child's schedules: meals, bath, sleep
The bathroom must remain daily. Do not leave the baby alone during the same, even if it is an instant. It is convenient that you start the dream alone and that the night rest is prolonged for 11-12 hours. However, there are children who have difficulty falling asleep or wake up frequently. In these cases, check that he is well, sing him a song, offer him something to drink

With respect to the dental eruption, the first teeth (central incisors) leave between the sixth and seventh months, although there is great variation in the age of onset and the order of exit.

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