The development, feeding, and care of the 21-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 21-month-old baby

The 21-month-old baby

The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 21 months old
All information on health, nutrition, development, and care of 21-month-old babies

21-month baby development
The child walks and runs more safely. He is also able to push his toys and play with a ball.
Some piece of clothing is removed. You may fulfill orders with two steps.
Your vocabulary expands little by little, and you will soon start building simple sentences.

Twenty-one-month feeding
The child's diet should include all the food groups. They can be distributed as follows:

Breakfast. Milk (preferably alone) with cereals, cookies or bread.
Midmorning. Fruit or dairy products.
Food: First course. Throughout the week, give vegetables three days, legumes two days and pasta, soup or rice the rest of the days.
Second course. Alternate meat and fish. Avoid excess salt and seasonings.
Dessert. Fruits or dairy products.
Snack. Ham, cheese, bread ...
Dinner. Egg, fish, chicken, croquettes ... Supplement with a glass of milk alone or with cereals.

21-month-old baby care
The stimulation of the child contributes to his physical and intellectual development. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the following activities:

  • Help him to know the world around him by showing him the name of objects, plants, animals
  • Speak correctly, without distorting the words or using diminutives.
  • Stimulate your fantasy and imagination by telling stories and teaching songs.
  • Offer stacking toys, books with drawings, toys with sound ... ...
  • Encourage him to perform physical activities such as playing ball, dancing or playing hide and seek

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