The development, feeding, and care of the 22-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 22-month-old baby

22-month-old baby

Child development at two years of life
Babies of 22 months already walk safely and even run. If you want to know more about the development, care, and feeding of twenty-two-month-old babies, keep reading this little guide for moms. These first months are very important in the development of the child, so parents should be informed of the stages of their growth. The customs that the baby learns during these months will mark his education.

22-month baby development

Each month, the child walks, runs and controls his movements with greater independence and security. You may be able to wash and dry your hands, put on your pants or take off your shoes. During the day, the diaper will remain clean and dry almost always.

Watch other children and play nearby, but apart from them.

Two-year-old child feeding
The acquisition of healthy eating habits in the first years of life will positively influence the growth and development of the child. Guidelines to follow:

  • - Get used to a regular schedule, and avoid eating meals between meals.

  • - Prepare a varied diet, with the objective of covering all the nutritional requirements of the child
  • - Avoid dishes that are very elaborate or that contain many spices.

  • - Respect the child's appetite without forcing him to eat.

Care for the baby's twenty-two months
From now on, it is possible for the child to do the opposite of what is requested and oppose the parents' demands by the system.

This behavior allows you to explore the limits of your independence and know how far you can go in satisfying your tendencies without being abandoned by parents. It is important that the child does not feel that he is stronger than adults, as this feeling will cause him a great sense of helplessness.

It is advisable to reinforce your behavior with praises and non-material rewards, instead of continually reprimanding him for wrong behavior. Likewise, it is convenient to set appropriate and congruent limits for the child's age and to be firm in maintaining them, without being aggressive.

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