The development, feeding, and care of the 23-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 23-month-old baby

23-month-old baby

The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 23 months old
Want to know everything about 23-month-old babies? Here you will find interesting information about the care, development, and feeding of babies of 23 months.

I develop the baby of 23 months
About to turn two, the boy jumps, opens doors, and climbs on chairs and furniture. You can make towers of five to seven cubes, unscrew covers and fold a paper imitating. Take objects from the ground without falling.

His vocabulary includes twenty to fifty words. Point to four parts of your body and name at least one.

The food at twenty-three months
The child's diet must be complete, varied, balanced and appetizing:

It will consist of five daily meals (breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner).
It will include all food groups (milk, vegetables, fruit, bread, pasta, meat, fish and eggs).
Milk is important, but it should not be the basis of feeding. The daily contribution will be about 500 ml.
To drink, offer the child water, milk and fruit juices. Carbonated drinks and soft drinks with stimulants will be avoided.
Care for the baby of 23 months
The bathroom must be daily. The hair will be washed every two or three days.

The genitals should be scrupulously washed. In the case of girls, from front to back to avoid urinary infections. In children, retracting the foreskin.

The ears will dry with a towel. Do not use swabs, because they can favor the appearance of ear plugs or lesions in the ear canal.

Teach the child to wash their hands frequently, and always before meals and after going to the toilet.

Pay attention to the cleanliness and length of the nails, both of the hands and feet.

Dental hygiene after the three main meals is essential to prevent tooth decay. Until three years of age, teeth without toothpaste will be brushed, moistening the brush with water.

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