The development, feeding, and care of the 24-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 24-month-old baby

24-month-old baby

The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 2 years old
At 24 months the baby already has a vocabulary that allows him to be understood. If you want to have more information about 24-month-old babies, read on.

24-month baby development
At two years, the child runs smoothly. Kick the ball without losing your balance. It is able to go up and down stairs alone, one by one. Do circular scribbling. It mimics both the horizontal and vertical lines. You can turn the pages of a book one at a time.

Use two or three-word phrases with a verb. It also uses pronouns (me, you, me).

Two-year feeding
At mealtime, it is advisable to sit the child at the table and encourage him to eat alone. Allow you to play with food. Remember that feeding yourself is one of the first responsibilities your child must learn.

Avoid turning meals into a drama. When the child does not want to eat, remove the plate and not offer alternative foods. It is important not to give food between meals (sweets, candies, packaged juices ...) since they take away the appetite and can cause tooth decay. Also, do not offer nuts, candies or fruits with seeds until three years of age due to the risk of choking.

Vitamin supplements do not contribute to fattening or whet your appetite. In fact, with a balanced and varied diet, the child receives the necessary contribution of vitamins.

Twenty-four-month baby care
The stimulation of the child is fundamental to favor a correct physical, cognitive, emotional and linguistic development:

To encourage the practice of physical exercise, allow you to play outdoors and in open spaces. The presence of other children (siblings, cousins ​​or friends) is convenient.

To expand and enrich your vocabulary, read stories regularly, show children's books with illustrations and name objects, as well as teach songs.

When you do something correctly, it is advisable to congratulate and praise him. On the contrary, if it works incorrectly, it is advisable to prohibit it and make it as little as possible.

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