The development, feeding, and care of the 14-month-old baby - BestBabyCaretips


Friday, January 31, 2020

The development, feeding, and care of the 14-month-old baby

The 14-month-old baby

The development, feeding, and care of the baby who is 14 months old
All the information about the development and evolution, care, feeding and health of babies of 14 months.

14-month baby development
The child is more independent since he controls his movements and has more strength, which allows him to gain greater knowledge of his environment.

At fourteen months, he is usually able to walk alone, bend over and stand without support.

Indicate what you want with gestures and sounds, and can point to a part of your body.

The food at fourteen months
It is interesting to consider the following aspects:

The child can start taking the family's diet, as long as it is varied and balanced.
It is important to separate the introduction of new foods for several days so that you become familiar with the different flavors and textures.

From the first year of life, the speed of growth is lower. Therefore, the diet must be less copious.
If your child does not want to finish a dish, it is not advised to force him. It is also not convenient to offer alternative food or excessively prolong the time spent eating.
Avoid giving cookies, bread or other foods between meals. Likewise, they do not offer sweets, as they take away appetite and can cause tooth decay.
The child can choke on taking fruits and nuts with seeds (grapes, olives ...). Therefore, it is better to postpone the introduction of such foods.
In addition to milk, water is essential to ensure adequate hydration. Instead, it is recommended to avoid sugary and carbonated drinks.
Care for the baby of 14 months

With regard to hygiene and general care of the child, remember:
  • Bathe him daily and wash his hands frequently. In the case of girls, wash the genitals from front to back to avoid urinary infections.

  • Cut the fingernails following the free edge, without angles, to prevent the appearance of nails. On the feet, cut them with straight edges.

  • Clean your teeth with wet gauze. You can start using a soft toothbrush, without toothpaste.

  • Put on comfortable, flexible footwear that breathes. Ensure that the shoes do not fit small.

  • Do not shelter in excess. If you move from a warm to a cold environment or vice versa, be careful to use the appropriate number of clothing.

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, apply sunscreen and cover your head.

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